Tosha Larios Reveals the Hidden Power of Fermented Foods in Fighting Inflammation
Tosha Larios Reveals the Hidden Power of Fermented Foods in Fighting Inflammation Inflammation is a silent killer, affecting everything from your heart health to your mental clarity. But what if the solution to chronic inflammation could be sitting in your fridge? Tosha Larios , a leader in the Food as Medicine movement, is uncovering the surprising benefits of fermented foods and how they can transform your health. In this blog, we’ll explore the science behind fermented foods, how they reduce inflammation, and why Tosha Larios believes they are the ultimate superfood for modern health. Get ready to discover how you can use food to heal your body and live your best life. What Are Fermented Foods? Fermented foods are foods that have undergone a natural process called fermentation, where good bacteria break down sugars and starches. This creates a wealth of probiotics (healthy bacteria) that are amazing for your gut and overall health. Some popular fermented foods include: • Kimchi ...